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Over 220 authors are waiting for you.

September 1, 2021

On September 24th, hundreds of romance authors will join the Isn’t it Romantic FB reader page and offer giveaways. I’ve been lucky enough to score a place and invite you to stop by and say hello!

How does it work? You join their private page in advance (like, today!) then on Friday, the 24th, each author posts an introduction and a question or maybe a link for you to ‘like’ their social media pages. Any comments, pictures, likes, etc by you are then eligible for that author’s prize. I’m offering the entire digital box set of my Damaged Heroes series. Prizes can also be gift cards, signed paperbacks, author swag, and more! Best of all, you’ll find hundreds of new authors to read and many chances to win. See you there!


Looking for the perfect beach read?

August 26, 2021

I highly recommend the newest release from Lark Brennan, who has been my critique partner for sixteen years. Shadows and Light is the final book in her Durand Chronicles, and is a riveting mix of psychic suspense, adventure and romance. The story works as a stand-alone novel too, and one I highly recommend. Each novel is incredibly imaginative, action-packed and the perfect read for lounging at the pool. Treat yourselves!

“Absolutely addictive! This sexy, emotionally-charged tale shimmers with magic, mystery, and off-the-charts chemistry!” ―USA Today bestselling author Carolyn Crane

Digital box set coming this month!

August 1, 2021

Hi readers,

Exciting news! This month I’m packaging the four romantic suspense novels in my Damaged Heroes series into a digital box set exclusively for Amazon. Make sure you’re on my newsletter list. I’ll be announcing the release date, links and an exclusive subscriber giveaway of 5 box sets soon!

This perfect beach read is free!

July 3, 2021

If your plans for the 4th include taking time to relax poolside devouring a romantic suspense, then I’ve got the perfect book for you. Enjoy this free e-copy of Tall, Dark and Damaged. You’re also welcome to send this link on to friends and family.

Have a lovely, long holiday!

I’m overwhelmed at the response!

June 8, 2021

ANOTHER GREAT REVIEW for Incendiary Attraction:
“I read a lot of romance, and I’m often disappointed by what I read, but THIS has got to be my favorite romance, ever. I mean it – EVER! The characters are complex and real. The action is realistic and compelling. The tension truly grabbed me…”

Isn’t that amazing? This is the fourth book in my Damaged Heroes series, and wraps up a lot of previous loose ends. Here is a 3-chapter excerpt so you can get a feel for the intense tone and riveting pace. Most readers finish it in a day. Enjoy the perfect beach read!

I think I knocked this one out of the park!

May 25, 2021

The reviews for Incendiary Attraction are stellar:

This is an edge-of-your-seat story with plot twists I didn’t see coming! The ending–wow! I couldn’t put it down. Another riveting story from Sarah Andre! If you love complex suspense novels–don’t miss this one! -LBH

I gobbled this book down as quickly as I could…The conflicts were authentic and the suspense was real. -HG

The perfect escapist read with fantastic suspense, great characters and smoldering romance…these damaged heroes will grab you by the heart. -CB

I’m thrilled this romantic suspense is out in the world for all of you to read. Most readers are unable to put the book down for long, which is the best compliment for any writer. Here’s a three-chapter taste of the novel–what do you think?


Do you prefer digital books or paperbacks?

May 20, 2021

If you answered “paperbacks,” you’re in luck! Amazon (mistakenly) released the paperback version of Incendiary Attraction yesterday! Grab your copy days before the rest of us, who have to wait for the May 22nd release date. Here’s another review:

“I’ve finished your latest romp through suspense and romance!!  At 3:11am this morning! Yes, it kept me up…”just one more chapter” resulted in finishing up in the wee hours.” -Amy M

Have you read the excerpt yet?

SALE ALERT: Start at the beginning of my Damaged Heroes series, with Tall, Dark and Damaged. It’s now on sale everywhere for .99 cents!

Rave Review of Incendiary Attraction!

May 12, 2021

My first review on Goodreads…I’m ecstatic!

“I gobbled this book down as quickly as I could while being able to still savor it (is reader’s indigestion a possible thing to have?). Jace is an alpha all the way, and Heidi cannot be categorized as anything but herself. The author did a wonderful job showing the nuances of people-how we read body language, why some of us are more adept at it due to varying life experiences, how some of us show love, and that our weaknesses do not negate our strengths. I’m a training counselor and love the mental health aspect. Also, Jace is freaking hot and I hope this is made into a movie. I could not guess at who was trustworthy or who would be acting undercover for a hate group. At one point I suspected everyone, and am happy to report that not everyone in the book is a member of a group perpetrating hate crimes. The conflicts weren’t contrived and the suspense was real. I could keep going, but instead I’m going to go back and reread the series from the beginning.” -Heidi

Incendiary Attraction releases May 22nd. Have you read an excerpt or pre-ordered your copy?

Come join me today!

May 7, 2021

I’m  honored to be interviewed on Abbie Roads’s FB reader group today. She calls it “Author on the Couch” because she asks pretty deep psychological questions, and answering them is a bit tortuous for me, LOL! 

I’m also giving out gift cards and talking a bit more about my new release, Incendiary Attraction, which, I’m delighted to say, is getting great early reviews. Stop by Abbie’s page and keep me company!
